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Where strict and severe domestic discipline is the order of the day for naughty, misbehaving girls. Broken rules, forgotten homework or plain and simple bad behaviour is simply not tolerated. GBS residents learn very early on that such antics are strictly punished by tried and trusted traditional methods. A hard over the knee spanking, or a severe session with the paddle, not to mention the all feared and dreaded cane, all make up the daily punishment routines at Girls Boarding School.

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Just the belt

Just the belt

VideoPhotosStillsKathrin Headmaster TomBelt
Members Rating 8.414 Comments
Kathrin is enjoying her shower, well that is until Headmaster Tom comes looking for her. By the tone of his voice - she's in trouble - real big trouble. It doesn't take him long to track her down. He's clutching a speeding ticket and the driver was Kathrin. She had the audacity to use HM Tom's car and to make things even worse, she has no driving licence. His orders are to be obeyed immediately. She has two minutes to dry herself and prepare herself for a punishment. Hurriedly, she towels herself down and clutching the towel to her chest, she stands in the doorway of her bedroom. She's very ...
Kathrin is enjoying her shower, well that is until Headmaster Tom comes looking for her. By the tone of his voice - she's in trouble - real big trouble. It doesn't take him long to track her down. He's clutching a speeding ticket and the driver was Kathrin. She had the audacity to use HM Tom's car and to make things even worse, she has no driving licence. His orders are to be obeyed immediately. She has two minutes to dry herself and prepare herself for a punishment. Hurriedly, she towels herself down and clutching the towel to her chest, she stands in the doorway of her bedroom. She's very nervous. However, by the time HM Tom returns, she is lying face down on the bed. Waiting for him. He wastes no time in idle chatter. He tells her what she's done wrong and why she's being punished. With his big hard hand in the small of her back, he brings the leather belt down on her upturned bottom. Due to his holding her down so firmly, her struggles are in vain. It is a very hard strapping - she cries out with each stroke, but he carries on with the punishment. For the final part of the belting, he tells her to turn over onto her back with her legs up in the diaper position. The belt is applied to her upper thighs and it really hurts even more there. He leaves her with a very sore red bottom. His parting shot - is that she will pay every penny of that fine. Let's hope she has learned her lesson.

Abi's confession: Pure Humiliation

Abi's confession: Pure Humiliation

VideoPhotosStillsAbi Headmaster TomBelt Kneeling in peas
Members Rating 7.534 Comments
As the door opens Abi quickly gets into the position she was supposed to be in when he had left her. Headmaster Tom is checking on how she is doing. He had left her sitting on the hard floor, wearing nothing but a cami vest. Her legs and feet were not allowed to touch the floor, so she was balancing on her coccyx. When he asks her if she has been in that position since he had left her, she swears that she has. However, unbeknown to her, the hidden cameras have shown her with her feet touching the floor - and masturbating. HM Tom tells her she is disgusting. She explains to him that her reason ...
As the door opens Abi quickly gets into the position she was supposed to be in when he had left her. Headmaster Tom is checking on how she is doing. He had left her sitting on the hard floor, wearing nothing but a cami vest. Her legs and feet were not allowed to touch the floor, so she was balancing on her coccyx. When he asks her if she has been in that position since he had left her, she swears that she has. However, unbeknown to her, the hidden cameras have shown her with her feet touching the floor - and masturbating. HM Tom tells her she is disgusting. She explains to him that her reason for coming out of position was due to the discomfort and pain she was in. But she receives no sympathy from him, as the pain and discomfort are part and parcel of the punishment. Therefore, he is going to leave her in that position for a further hour. She pleads with him - telling him she's tired and beginning to shake. So he decides that she needs a cold shower to wake her up. After the cold shower, that makes her gasp, she agrees that she is now awake. Handing her a soft fluffy towel, he tells her to get dried and come back to the living room in two minutes. Unfortunately, she is a minute late and this angers him even more. So he tells her to stand facing the wall and bending down. He cracks the belt across her unprotected bottom, causing her to stand up clutching her tortured bottom each time the belt makes contact with it. She's to spend another hour in pain and discomfort - kneeling in a tray full of peas. There is no way she will be able to masturbate now.

One per day

One per day

VideoPhotosStillsKathrin Headmaster TomLeather paddle
Members Rating 8.23 Comments

New resident Dana - The Spanking of Sally

New resident Dana - The Spanking of Sally

VideoStillsSally Headmaster TomHand Cane
Members Rating 8.310 Comments

New resident Kathrin

New resident Kathrin

VideoPhotosStillsKathrin Headmaster TomHand
Members Rating 9.67 Comments

Without words: Stealing

Without words: Stealing

VideoPhotosStillsSophie Headmaster TomCane
Members Rating 7.611 Comments
Sophie is sat at a glass-topped table, while Headmaster Tom is standing over her. She is filling in the Punishment Report. Looking up at HM Tom - looking for guidance on what to write on each lime, he is getting impatient with her because as he points out to her, it's all very straightforward. Her punishment position is kneeling on a chair and the cane will be used - twenty strokes. Telling her to prepare herself, he leaves the room to fetch the cane. On his return, he is annoyed to find her leaning over the table hands clutching the far end of it. When he reminds her that she should be ...
Sophie is sat at a glass-topped table, while Headmaster Tom is standing over her. She is filling in the Punishment Report. Looking up at HM Tom - looking for guidance on what to write on each lime, he is getting impatient with her because as he points out to her, it's all very straightforward. Her punishment position is kneeling on a chair and the cane will be used - twenty strokes. Telling her to prepare herself, he leaves the room to fetch the cane. On his return, he is annoyed to find her leaning over the table hands clutching the far end of it. When he reminds her that she should be kneeling on a chair, she tells him her reason for not being in the required position is ... it's too uncomfortable for her. HM Tom takes this as downright disobedience - she isn't meant to be comfortable. Therefore, he lets her stay in her chosen position, but she will receive an additional five strokes of the cane. And so the caning starts. She has the sense to stay in place, but her left leg involuntarily comes up, which earns her another stroke - being told to keep her leg down. As each stroke makes contact with her blue jean covered bottom, she screams and screws up her face. When she has received the twenty-five strokes, her next instruction is to stand up and pull her jeans and knickers down, then lean back over the table. He examines her bare bottom, with the cane marks clearly visible. He tells her to report back to him in five days because she had written on the Punishment Report that the marks should last for at least five days. However, he warns her that should the marks have faded by then, she will have to go through the whole punishment again.

My Pantyhose

My Pantyhose

VideoPhotosStillsAbi BeverlyTawse
Members Rating 8.49 Comments

From ABC ... to XYZ

From ABC ... to XYZ

VideoStillsLinda Headmaster TomCane
Members Rating 8.124 Comments

Worst Case

Worst Case

VideoPhotosStillsAbi Beverly Headmaster TomCane
Members Rating 9.25 Comments

Office absence

Office absence

VideoPhotosStillsSophie Headmaster TomBelt
Members Rating 7.925 Comments
As usual Headmaster Tom is filling out a Punishment Record that gives full details of who is to be punished - how and why. It's poor Sophie who is to be on the receiving end of twenty-five strokes of the leather belt. As she stands facing the wall, behind her back she is holding the punishment report. Her jeans and knickers are bunched up around her ankles. Her bare bottom is twitching in anticipation of the punishment she is about to receive. HM Tom tells her to turn round and read out loud the report, which she does hesitantly. Her voice has a quaver in it and she stumbles over some of the ...
As usual Headmaster Tom is filling out a Punishment Record that gives full details of who is to be punished - how and why. It's poor Sophie who is to be on the receiving end of twenty-five strokes of the leather belt. As she stands facing the wall, behind her back she is holding the punishment report. Her jeans and knickers are bunched up around her ankles. Her bare bottom is twitching in anticipation of the punishment she is about to receive. HM Tom tells her to turn round and read out loud the report, which she does hesitantly. Her voice has a quaver in it and she stumbles over some of the words. According to the report - punishment is to be carried out immediately. So she is ordered to go to her room and prepare herself and HM Tom will join her in two minutes. She shuffles out of the room - her progress being slowed down due to her jeans and knickers being lowered. In her bedroom she piles up her pillows and when HM Tom enters her room, she is compliantly lying face down on the bed with her plump bottom ready for the punishment that is to come. After the leather belt has snaked across her bottom twenty-five times, her squeals and cries have turned into sobs. Her red and very sore bottom is writhing about. Then she is left alone gently rubbing her tortured bottom in an effort to rub away the soreness.

Abi's confession: The leather paddle

Abi's confession: The leather paddle

VideoPhotosStillsAbi Headmaster TomLeather paddle
Members Rating 9.68 Comments

In the morning

In the morning

VideoPhotosStillsAbi Beverly Beverly AbiOTK Wooden paddle Tawse
Members Rating 6.840 Comments

Head Girl

Head Girl

VideoPhotosStillsJustine Mr. LewisBelt
Members Rating 9.733 Comments
Mr Lewis has returned to Girls Boarding School - he's been away on holiday for a week. Before he went away he hired a girl from an agency, whose job it would be to keep the place clean and tidy. Therefore, he is shocked to find the lounge in a right mess. Cushions, clothing and used tissues are scattered on the tiled floor - along with empty beer bottles and cups. Justine had come from the agency - very well recommended. He's livid and reminds her that the girls at GBS get spanked for less and that's what is about to happen to her. She's protests that she's too old to be treated like that and ...
Mr Lewis has returned to Girls Boarding School - he's been away on holiday for a week. Before he went away he hired a girl from an agency, whose job it would be to keep the place clean and tidy. Therefore, he is shocked to find the lounge in a right mess. Cushions, clothing and used tissues are scattered on the tiled floor - along with empty beer bottles and cups. Justine had come from the agency - very well recommended. He's livid and reminds her that the girls at GBS get spanked for less and that's what is about to happen to her. She's protests that she's too old to be treated like that and struggles when he pulls her over his knee. She spends a very painful few minutes having her beautiful shapely bottom well and truly spanked. Despite her constant apologies, he carries on with the spanking. Once her bottom has been warmed up, he tells her to tidy up then he has her bend over to accept the belt. With her legs spread, the viewer has a wonderful view of her shaved pussy. Then he leaves her standing with her hands on her head facing the wall, with strict instructions to stay like that until he returns. Poor Justine - her bottom is so sore, she can't resist rubbing it. She's taking a risk isn't she - what if Mr Lewis comes back and catches her like that?

Comments from our Members

From Spankfun

Take good care

Great dynamics, real tears and an interesting spanking position. The previous spanking whose result is very visible could (or should) have been mentioned.From Auberon

A terrible week

This is excellent! Simone appears very nervous and defenseless throughout: more of this please.From jeffrey

Hide & Seek

Very very good! The girl is pretty young blond, with beautiful skin, and the caning is quite severe. I just wish she had been a little more vocal while being caned.
From Nikkel

Daily punishment

Perfect - Linda as beautiful as ever. The short cane works much better that she hand here. Good camera angles.From fltbo97@hotmail


Sarah has a lovely shapely bottom. Quite wide and pear shaped, I love the close up shots, especially those as she bends over the chair, slightly pulling her buttocks apartRead More

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